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News 7 March 2022

Five examples of gender-sensitive solutions to displacement linked with climate change

Interviews 21 November 2021

Varanisese Maisamoa

Meet Varanisese Maisamoa, who is helping increase women's access to resilient infrastructure in Fiji.

Women's perspectives 14 November 2021

Women are helping others build alternative livelihoods

Katarina has established a fish hatchery, as a source of juvenile fish for new farmers, helping build their resilience.

Blogs 12 November 2021

Is disaster risk reduction (wo)men’s work?

Highlighting the missing voices of women in developing and implementing legal frameworks for disaster risk reduction

Women's perspectives 12 October 2021

Women are powerful agents of change

Vitila is working to empower other women. 

News 12 October 2021

Inaugural women’s leadership awards for disaster risk reduction granted to Fijian trailblazer and Indonesian scientist mobilising youth

Women's perspectives 12 October 2021

Women are improving the health resilience of their communities

“…I decided to bring about change in the lives of my people."

Women's perspectives 12 October 2021

Women are diversifying their business models for resilience

Aileen’s diversified agri-tourism business model has helped her remain resilient despite being affected by multiple disasters.

Women's perspectives 12 October 2021

Women are working together to increase resilience

Seruwaia advocates for knowledge sharing and working together to build resilience.

Women's perspectives 12 October 2021

Women are advocating for a voice at the table

As a farmer herself, Lavinia knows the importance of having a voice at the table.

Women's perspectives 12 October 2021

Women are facilitating community training

“I try to assist the community in the outer islands to build their resilience against climate change by facilitating trainings."

Women's perspectives 12 October 2021

Women are advocating for inclusivity

"See me for my ability, not for my disability"

News 11 October 2021

Alluvione: Girl power to combat floods in Indonesia

Women's perspectives 29 August 2021

Women are adapting to climate change

"We need a strong and healthy body to deal with sea level rising."

Women's perspectives 7 August 2021

Women are improving their access to resilient infrastructure

Esther, who works with the Red Cross, is helping communities in Kiribati build forward better.  

Women's perspectives 2 August 2021

Women are central actors in building disaster resilience

“Our ability to adapt is what resilience is all about. Being resilient can help us overcome hardship.”

Case studies 1 June 2021

Building an enabling environment for addressing the gender inequalities of risk in Solomon Islands

Establishing coordination mechanisms and providing capacity development

Blogs 10 May 2021

Counting Women in Fiji for risk-informed development

The importance of gender-responsive risk assessments for inclusive development planning
