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Displaying 505 - 522 of 619

News 21 March 2013

Fiji: UNDP pours in $5million

News 6 March 2013

Africa Adaptation Knowledge Network (AAKNet) endorsed as key tool to step up climate change adaption efforts on vulnerable continent

News 4 March 2013

Understanding resilience

News 24 February 2013

Venezuela: Expertas internacionales asesoran a Chacao en gestión ambiental

News 21 February 2013

Empowering women reduces disaster risks

News 21 February 2013

Mitigating the impacts of desertification and drought

News 20 January 2013

Women need more adaptation funding, activists charge

News 20 January 2013

Women and girls: the visible force for disaster-resilience

News 19 December 2012

Step up for disaster risk reduction: appreciate, encourage and empower the female voice

News 12 December 2012

ADB to provide 35 mln USD to Cambodia for drought, flood mitigation

News 6 December 2012

UN environment agency launches initiative to help Africa adapt to impacts of climate change

News 6 December 2012

Climate: why women are the agents of change

News 4 December 2012

World Bank: Facing up to the threat of climate change in the Arab world

News 4 December 2012

Mountain vulnerabilities, benefits need attention - experts

News 27 November 2012

Taking the knowledge of Doha back to Kenya's rural communities

News 12 November 2012

Investments in disaster risk management essential to sustaining growth and reducing poverty

News 12 November 2012

Arab women's role in energy and climate change highlighted on sidelines of World Economic Forum in UAE

News 5 November 2012

Solomon Islands: Government assesses country's food security
