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Displaying 523 - 540 of 619

News 4 November 2012

Asia-Pacific countries adopt landmark strategy for building disability-inclusive societies

News 27 October 2012

South Africa: Nkoana-Mashabane launches book on climate change

News 21 October 2012

Nigeria: NGO tasks government on disaster reduction strategies

News 18 October 2012

IDB and Oxfam will explore opportunities to jointly tackle development challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean

News 18 October 2012

Lebanon: U.N. official supports new proposed disaster planning law

News 18 October 2012

Building women leadership in Assam for disaster risk reduction: Celebration of International Day for Disaster Reduction

News 17 October 2012

Climate change awareness in Africa and Asia 'varies greatly'

News 16 October 2012

Relief to resilience: Ready to weather the storm

News 16 October 2012

Women unsung heroines in rebuilding after disaster

News 16 October 2012

Ghana: International Day for Disaster Reduction marked in Upper East

News 15 October 2012

Philippines: Legarda stresses women's role as effective agents of change

News 15 October 2012

Ethiopia: Ministry holds 6th national conference on disaster risk management - highlights women and girls

News 14 October 2012

Djibouti: Lutte contre les risques et les catastrophes - La dimension genre

News 14 October 2012

Djibouti: Gestion des risques et des catastrophes - Les femmes et les filles, une force méconnue de la résilience

News 11 October 2012

Australian Government: Role of women critical in disaster resilience

News 11 October 2012

Antigua and Barbuda: IDDR Day 2012

News 11 October 2012

Put it on the map: Women and girls a VISIBLE force for resilience

News 11 October 2012

Ghana: International Day For Disaster Reduction
