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Displaying 487 - 504 of 619

News 22 July 2013

Changes afoot to ensure gender aware climate change policies in the Pacific Island countries and territories

News 14 July 2013

Adaptation decision-making shifts to locals in Kenya

News 10 June 2013

Kenyan MPs to champion rural women’s influence on climate policy

News 9 June 2013

Commercial farms, climate shifts dry Tanzanian river basin

News 6 June 2013

Putting women on the disaster risk reduction agenda

News 22 May 2013

Call to include people with disabilities in disaster risk reduction plans

News 15 May 2013

India nurtures youth advocates for climate action

News 12 May 2013

What will it take for policymakers to act on climate change?

News 5 May 2013

Reshaping the fight against poverty

News 28 April 2013

National disaster risk reduction should involve all stakeholders, clear mandates

News 28 April 2013

Stakeholders in disaster risk reduction stress need for community involvement, resilience, addressing root causes

News 28 April 2013

Local communities plead for greater involvement in disaster risk reduction

News 24 April 2013

Women are 'key drivers' in climate change adaptation

News 23 April 2013

Challenging inequality is at heart of climate adaptation

News 16 April 2013

Indonesia: Gender and our disaster management - opinion

News 15 April 2013

Jordan readies its first policy on climate change

News 26 March 2013

Gender-sensitive climate finance crucial - experts

News 24 March 2013

Gender relations are changing along with climate
