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Displaying 451 - 468 of 619

News 16 February 2015

Mobilising women's leadership in disaster risk reduction

News 13 February 2015

How to make women safer in disasters? Attack inequality

News 4 January 2015

Tanzania: Livestock keepers ready for climate change

News 14 December 2014

How rural women are adapting to climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean

News 9 December 2014

Gender equality must guide 2015 climate deal, UN envoy says

News 4 December 2014

For more food and more resilience, turn to women

News 24 November 2014

'Pakistan's women worst prepared in region for natural disasters' - NGO

News 18 November 2014

Conference agrees action plan to empower and protect women: Progress towards gender-sensitive weather and climate services

News 17 November 2014

Second session of the Preparatory Committee for the Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction: summary of the discussion (part 2)

News 5 November 2014

Amplifying women’s voices in climate change solutions focus of UN conference

News 30 October 2014

Bridging the gap: A conversation about family planning and climate change

News 2 October 2014

Resilience planning – Some do’s and don’ts

News 28 September 2014

Australia: Researchers investigate the impacts of bushfires on the Blue Mountains LGBTI community

News 25 September 2014

UN Women chief: Climate change impacts fall hardest on women

News 15 September 2014

Why women are key to surviving climate change

News 14 September 2014

Philippines: Women can be frontliners in climate and disaster resilience efforts - Legarda

News 17 August 2014

Consejo de Apurimac, Perú, aprueba politica regional de gestion del riesgo de desastres

News 6 August 2014

'Don't forget men,' first women and climate summit advised
