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Displaying 343 - 360 of 619

News 15 April 2018

India: In rural Manipur, women feel the heat of climate change

News 11 April 2018

Climate adaptation strategies and the role of gender

News 10 April 2018

Inclusive disaster risk reduction: Women and climate change adaptation

News 3 April 2018

Risk and warning communication that supports women during disasters

News 27 March 2018

Teaching girls to swim can prevent deaths during floods

News 7 March 2018

Women, LGBT people 'invisible' victims of disasters – experts

News 6 March 2018

Why we must engage women and children in disaster risk management

News 30 January 2018

How natural disasters undermine schooling

News 19 December 2017

As wild weather hits crops, Ethiopian women turn to savings

Blogs 22 November 2017

Protecting women and girls from violence in disasters

Jennifer First, from the University of Missouri discusses the rise in violence against women and girls in the aftermath of disasters, and stresses the importance of connecting gender-based violence services with disaster-related services.

News 22 November 2017

Philippines: All-weather, PWD-friendly evacuation center to rise in Capiz

News 21 November 2017

Shaping Green Climate Fund policies

News 12 November 2017

Tonga demonstrates its efforts for the centrality of gender and protection in climate action

News 22 October 2017

Weather forecasts are helping Zambian women farmers

News 10 October 2017

Reducing disaster risk: Helping girls and boys to be safe

News 10 October 2017

Bangladesh: CARE has set out an example for urban resilience

News 21 September 2017

Don’t ignore the one group that can make climate action happen

News 20 September 2017

In the Caribbean, colonialism and inequality mean hurricanes hit harder
