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Displaying 361 - 378 of 619

News 7 September 2017

When building climate resilience, women’s needs cannot be an afterthought

News 3 September 2017

Addressing domestic violence should be part of recovery plan during natural disasters

News 29 August 2017

Women are more at risk from disasters like Hurricane Harvey

News 28 August 2017

As heat rises, women risk death in South Asia

News 30 July 2017

With climate change driving child marriage risks, Bangladesh fights back

News 24 July 2017

In Philippines, climate change and conflict both conspire against rural women

News 17 July 2017

In pastoral communities of Kenya, women bear the brunt of drought

News 13 July 2017

Flood early warning systems from a gender lens

News 6 July 2017

Why women? Why now?

News 2 July 2017

With a touch of paint, India's women slum dwellers battle extreme heat

News 25 May 2017

UN, Red Cross/Red Crescent join forces to reduce disaster deaths for women and girls

News 24 May 2017

INTERVIEW-'Gender blind' disaster risk planning undermines countries' ability to cope - UN Women

News 23 May 2017

UN Women launches new programme to address the gender inequality of risk at international conference on disaster risk reduction

News 18 May 2017

Disaster-proofing Cambodia: new phase of disaster resilience work gets underway

News 18 May 2017

Editorial spotlight: what does gender have to do with reducing and addressing disaster risk?

News 18 May 2017

In Viet Nam, women are leading disaster prevention and response

News 8 May 2017

Gender equality can save women’s lives in disasters

News 30 April 2017

Clarifying misconceptions on gender and risk
