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Displaying 325 - 342 of 619

News 4 September 2018

Loss and damage from a gender equality perspective

News 3 September 2018

Viet Nam: Weather forecasts for all: Improving access to weather information for women and ethnic minorities

News 2 September 2018

Technology can help Afghanistan better manage its natural disasters

News 23 August 2018

Women at the helm of cyclone recovery efforts in Tonga

News 23 August 2018

India: Identifying hotspots for gender-focused climate-smart interventions

News 24 July 2018

Sexist climate change? Women and girls hit hardest by extreme weather

News 17 July 2018

Bracing for climate change in Bangladesh: Safeguarding development in a warming world

News 17 July 2018

Republic of Marshall Islands strengthens food security measures ahead of future droughts

News 26 June 2018

Female leadership is crucial in building resilient communities

News 25 June 2018

Lessons learnt from 2017 Caribbean Hurricane Season

The Caribbean is moving closer to a much-needed regional strategy to strengthen people-centred early warning systems across the islands

News 24 June 2018

Gender in water and sanitation – empowerment by numbers

News 21 June 2018

Efforts to build climate resilience in Chad turn up a surprising barrier: Violence against women

News 7 June 2018

Using information to enhance the adaptive capacity of women and ethnic minorities in Southeast Asia

News 3 June 2018

Climate disasters will hit women hardest, says 'Handmaid's Tale' author

News 11 May 2018

Calling for a gender approach to 'smart' and 'resilient' cities

News 29 April 2018

With warning drums and river clean-ups, Indonesian women head off disasters

Women often suffer worst when floods or earthquakes hit - but given the right resources, they are well-placed to protect their communities

News 23 April 2018

Connecting with the people beyond the computers: my experience in flood risk management in Buenos Aires

News 16 April 2018

As drought keeps men on the road, Mauritania's pastoralist women take charge
