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Displaying 307 - 324 of 619

News 17 December 2018

Partnerships key for reducing disaster risk

News 11 December 2018

We can’t rid Asia of natural disasters. But we can prepare for them

News 21 November 2018

Building towards people-centric early warning systems in the Caribbean

News 18 November 2018

$12 million project to make Bangladesh more resilient to natural disasters

News 13 November 2018

'Water from air' quenches threatened girls' thirst in arid Kenya

News 31 October 2018

Local knowledge and the role of knowledge brokers in India

News 31 October 2018

UNOSAT to build disaster management capacity of women in Guyana

Case studies 31 October 2018

Project to empower women in climate change decisions in Cambodia

Securing climate-resilient societies

News 30 October 2018

Where goats drink first: Women struggle as coastal India grows saltier

News 23 October 2018

Empowerment of women and girls could transform Latin America’s climate resilience

News 17 October 2018

As climate threats drive migration, Indian women find opportunities

News 16 October 2018

Bangladesh: 'I did it only for the money'

Climate displacement pushes girls into prostitution

News 14 October 2018

The time for gender-smart action on disaster risk reduction is now

News 11 October 2018

As storms and extreme disasters ravage the world, women and girls are among the most impacted, says CARE and UN Women Kenya

News 11 October 2018

Launch of diversity and disaster monograph No. 3 from the Australian Journal of Emergency and the Gender and Disaster Pod

News 26 September 2018

Women masons help build stronger homes in quake-hit Nepal

News 19 September 2018

Opinion: G7 punch below weight on funding for gender-equal climate adaptation

News 9 September 2018

Pakistan: National Disaster Management Act 2010 amended to cover women and children in catastrophes
