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Displaying 271 - 288 of 619

News 26 August 2019

'Water women' quench thirst of central India's parched villages

News 18 August 2019

Developing resilient and eco-friendly housing models in Nepal

News 30 June 2019

Women may be more vulnerable to climate change but data absent

News 19 June 2019

How climate change exacerbates the refugee crisis – and what can be done about it

News 2 June 2019

Promoting women’s leadership in disaster risk reduction and resilience

News 23 May 2019

Disasters happen to real people – and it's complicated

News 22 May 2019

Philippines: Early action helps women in farming communities vulnerable to drought

News 13 May 2019

Gender and climate (in)security in the Pacific

News 7 May 2019

Inclusive resilience: Are we building resilience for all?

News 7 May 2019

Mexico: The case for gender approaches to urban resilience – Experience from Coyuca

Experience from Coyuca

News 5 May 2019

Cabo Verde: Solar panels help communities adapt to drought

News 2 May 2019

Resilience strategy tackles climate change, governance, gender inequality in coastal Mexico

News 16 April 2019

Disaster risk reduction: Avoiding the inevitable

News 16 April 2019

Data drives dividends

News 1 April 2019

Bangladesh: Microfinance: A solution towards climate change adaptation

News 17 March 2019

Growing rice and resilience with women in Mali

News 14 March 2019

Gender research in IPM: Women’s empowerment as a key to unlocking food security

News 13 March 2019

Africa's farmers urgently need climate-proof investment for food security

World leaders must step up spending on adaptation measures for our rapidly warming world
