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Displaying 37 - 54 of 70

News 29 October 2015

UNFPA: Reproductive health and rights essential for climate change resilience

News 1 September 2015

Tanzanian villagers flourish, fight drought

News 1 July 2015

Zimbabwe: Women must be part of the climate change debate

News 5 March 2015

Index-Insurance: Protecting women farmers against weather risk

News 4 January 2015

Tanzania: Livestock keepers ready for climate change

News 17 November 2014

Second session of the Preparatory Committee for the Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction: summary of the discussion (part 2)

News 20 May 2014

CDKN in conversation… with the global team

News 20 May 2014

The gender dimension to climate compatible development: Video

News 2 January 2014

Farmer urges measures to aid women battling climate change

News 19 September 2013

Water harvesting helps Kenya's women cope with failing rains

News 14 July 2013

Adaptation decision-making shifts to locals in Kenya

News 10 June 2013

Kenyan MPs to champion rural women’s influence on climate policy

News 9 June 2013

Commercial farms, climate shifts dry Tanzanian river basin

News 28 April 2013

Local communities plead for greater involvement in disaster risk reduction

News 24 April 2013

Women are 'key drivers' in climate change adaptation

News 6 December 2012

UN environment agency launches initiative to help Africa adapt to impacts of climate change

News 27 November 2012

Taking the knowledge of Doha back to Kenya's rural communities

News 27 October 2012

South Africa: Nkoana-Mashabane launches book on climate change
