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Taking the knowledge of Doha back to Kenya's rural communities

27 November 2012

“I work with 4,000 champions (women) who educate their fellow community members and help them come up with adaptation strategies,” Cecilia Kibe of Kenya told IPS. Kibe who runs a climate change adaptation information-sharing network attended the 18th Conference of the Parties (COP18) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

“Adaptation strategies should prioritise the farmers, particularly women who are mainly into subsistence agriculture, and the communities they live in,” Mozambican Minister of Environment Acinda Abreu told IPS. She added that "society as a whole needed a mind shift to allow women to make meaningful contributions at all levels of the climate change process."

Francois Rogers, the special advisor at the International Union for Conservation of Nature,said that "women from all walks of life have to be adequately trained to give them the capacity to participate in policy-formulation processes at the local, regional and international levels".
