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Displaying 433 - 450 of 619

News 24 June 2015

Call for good practices: Integrating gender in Early Warning Systems

News 11 June 2015

Longer-term aid needed to stem spike in baby deaths after disasters

News 8 June 2015

Federated States of Micronesia reviews disaster risk management lessons from typhoons

News 19 April 2015

Women take on floods and hunger in rural Pakistan

News 16 April 2015

US: The power of human resilience after major disasters — and the importance of community

News 24 March 2015

APEC: Women lead way in disaster risk reduction in vulnerable Asia-Pacific - Press release

Women entrepreneurs, civil society groups and disaster management and gender equality officials assembled in Sendai

News 18 March 2015

Philippines delegation to third WCDRR welcomes Japan $4B fund for DRR

News 14 March 2015

Daily report of the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR)

News 13 March 2015

Sendai: Critical role of women in building disaster resilience focus of event at UN conference

News 12 March 2015

UNFPA: In disasters, women are the backbone of resilience - Opinion

News 9 March 2015

UNDP Laos: Managing disaster risk in Xiengkhouang

News 9 March 2015

How disasters affect women - Opinion

News 8 March 2015

Loren Legarda calls for increased protection of women

News 5 March 2015

Index-Insurance: Protecting women farmers against weather risk

News 26 February 2015

WRC: Sexual and reproductive health - An essential element of disaster preparedness and response - Opinion

News 23 February 2015

Pakistan: Women turn drought into a lesson on sustainability

News 19 February 2015

Disaster risk reduction, aiding women's groups high on agenda in Vanuatu

News 18 February 2015

UNDP: USD 3.64 million grant approved by Japan in support of local-level resilience and disaster preparedness in Serbia
