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News 17 December 2019

How mangrove trees are sowing the seeds of female empowerment in Vietnam

News 17 December 2019

Can laws tackling gender inequality help to enhance disaster resilience in the Philippines?

Case studies 13 December 2019

The gender and age dimensions of a hurricane in Dominica

Gender and age inequality of disaster risk

Case studies 12 December 2019

The gender and age dimensions of floods and drought in Malawi

Understanding the gender and age inequalities of risk

Case studies 11 December 2019

The aftermath of an earthquake in Nepal

Understanding the gender inequalities of risk

News 9 December 2019

Children risk early marriage: climate change one of the factors

News 8 December 2019

[INTERVIEW] 'More female leaders needed in disaster recovery'

Case studies 5 December 2019

Vegetable gardens bring veritable gains for women in climate-struck Cambodia

Communities are struggling to adapt to the increasing frequency and intensity of flash floods. Putting gender equality at the heart of climate action including access to renewable energy and support for resilient agriculture is bring clear benefits for women.

News 4 December 2019

India: Women lead with climate-smart farming in Marathwada

News 4 December 2019

Climate crisis could reverse progress in achieving gender equality

News 1 December 2019

US $15 mil multi-country disaster recovery and environmental resilience project launched

News 25 November 2019

Climate change increases the risk of violence against women

News 25 November 2019

Study examines women’s ability to adapt effectively to climate change

News 17 November 2019

Australia: Domestic violence will spike in the bushfire aftermath, and governments can no longer ignore it

Case studies 10 November 2019

Strengthening women’s livelihoods and participation for greater resilience to disasters and climate change in Viet Nam

Changing weather patterns in Viet nam has meant that households are considering alternative livelihoods. This case study shows how women can be agents of change and lead the way in building more resilient livelihoods.

News 29 October 2019

Tanzania’s female parliamentarians to mainstream gender in climate adaptation

News 16 October 2019

Grassroots women won’t be left behind in reducing disaster risks

News 19 September 2019

When natural disaster strikes, men and women respond differently
