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News 10 March 2022

Five young women on the forefront of climate action across Europe and Central Asia

News 10 March 2022

From where I stand: “Put indigenous women and our communities at the centre of climate action”

News 9 March 2022

Risk, resilience and gender in the current Petrópolis tragedy

Women are more vulnerable to disasters because of their social roles, lack of access to resources and political marginalisation.

News 8 March 2022

First come floods, then domestic violence. We need to prepare for the next inevitable crisis.

News 7 March 2022

Women reap the rewards of planting mangroves in Bangladesh

News 7 March 2022

Five examples of gender-sensitive solutions to displacement linked with climate change

News 2 March 2022

Gender-disaggregated data, crucial to ensuring gender-sensitive response and recovery for displaced women and girls in disaster contexts

News 28 February 2022

Explainer: Why women need to be at the heart of climate action

News 27 February 2022

Explainer: how gender inequality and climate change are interconnected

News 27 February 2022

Five ways to build gender equality and sustainability

News 13 February 2022

Preparing for CSW66: ECOWAS and UN Women organise a virtual regional consultation of West and Central Africa ministers

This news piece was originally published on the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Website.

News 9 February 2022

Launch of a “one-stop-shop” for all gender-related disaster and climate resilience knowledge

UN Women in partnership with the Australian Government, launches the Women’s Resilience to Disasters Knowledge Hub

News 26 January 2022

How can we make disaster risk financing more gender inclusive?

News 19 January 2022

Incomes dip for South Asia's women home workers as heat rises

News 11 January 2022

In Bihar, women face floods and increasing violence

News 3 January 2022

Bringing communities together to prepare for emergencies

News 19 December 2021

New data show women and girls far less likely to receive COVID-19 relief

Women and girls have disproportionately suffered the socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19: lost jobs and reduced work hours, increased intensity of care and domestic work, and strains on their physical and mental health.

News 15 December 2021

Rapid gender analysis in Haiti reveals earthquake-related impacts on women and girls
