Conference session
Addressing the risk faced by LGBTQI+ people and people with Diverse SOGIESC
This Spotlight Session is part of the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction on Wednesday 21 September, 15:30 - 16:30 AEST.
LGBTQI+ people and people with diverse SOGIESC (sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics) face specific disaster risks which are rarely addressed in disaster risk reduction (DRR) efforts.This Spotlight Session will shine a spotlight on the experiences of LGBTQI+ people and people with diverse SOGIESC at the APMCDRR for the first time. The session will also share case studies designed as prompts for disaster risk reduction (DRR) organizations to consider how they need to change, tools of changes (including the ‘The Only way is Up Evaluation Tool’ by Edge Effect). By recognising and empowering local leaders from the community, sharing knowledge, raising awareness, developing capacities, and supporting inclusive partnerships we aim to reduce the discrimination and stigma they experience and shift cultural and systematic norms to ensure DRR efforts uphold human rights and are truly inclusive of all.
This Spotlight Session will be available to delegates of the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in-person and online.