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When preparedness works: case of cyclone Phailin

October 2013

Southasiadisasters.net issue no. 99, October 2013:

This issue focuses on the preparedness activities that took place against the backdrop of Cyclone Phailin. Based on the theme ‘when preparedness works’, this issue provides a lot of information and insight into the roles of all major stakeholders that responded proactively to the threat of Phailin to keep the damage resulting from the cyclone to its bare minimum.

The content includes: (i) Odisha braces for cyclone Phailin, NDMA sends troops; (ii) UNISDR on Phailin preparedness; (iii) National Disaster Management Authority’s role in cyclone Phailin; (iv) movement of Phailin over Indian sub-continent; (v) leadership during cyclone Phailin; (vi) reducing loss and damage of poor; (vii) when preparedness works: the case of cyclone Phailin; (viii) gender balanced recovery post-cyclone Phailin; (ix) the act and the actions; (x) human resource and capacity development after cyclone Phailin; (xi) a day before cyclone Phailin; (xii) advice from Dr. Ian Davis to students seeking work in cyclone Phailin relief and recovery; (xiii) field updates: cyclone Phailin; (xiv) international conference on humanitarian logistics; and (xv) where will my help come from?

The contributions come from Mihir R. Bhatt, Kshitij Gupta, Vishal Pathak, and Khyati Halani, All India Disaster Mitigation Institute; Brig. (Dr.) B.K. Khanna, Senior Specialist in NDMA, Govt. of India, and Nina Khanna, Ph.D. Research Scholar in Disaster Management; Prashanta Bahera, United India Insurance Co. Ltd., Bhubaneswar, India; Madhavi Ariyabandu and Brigitte Leoni, UNISDR, Sri Lanka.
