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Views from the frontline 2019: Local level monitoring of progress of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Reduction and related frameworks

May 2019

Snapshot of Views from the Frontline 2019 pilot results in Tonga and the Philippines

In order to ensure that policies, plans and activities that are aimed at building resilience are effective, it is important that they are informed by the priorities of those most at risk. Local people have critical knowledge on the risks they face and only when this is utilised will policies, plans and actions to build resilience be effective. It is with this belief that the Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) started its Views from the Frontline (VFL) programme in 2009 to highlight the views of the most vulnerable and marginalised populations. VFL is the largest independent global monitoring process at the local level which has insofar reached 89,000 stakeholders across 129 countries. VFL was conducted in 2009, 2011 and 2013. 

The pilot of VFL 2019, which was implemented in the Philippines and Tonga, has recently concluded. This paper presents the key findings of this pilot. In doing so, the paper revisits some of the key findings of previous VFLs, most of which are still relevant in current contexts of planning, implementing and monitoring resilience at the local level, while also providing a preview of VFL 2019 data and findings.
