This Act, organized in 7 Parts and 4 Schedules, introduces its scope in Part 1: it is an Act adopted to give the force of law, in Uganda, to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement; to provide for climate change response measures; to provide for the participation in climate change mechanisms; to provide for the measuring of emissions, reporting and verification of information; to provide for the institutional arrangements for coordinating and implementing climate change response measures; to provide for the financing for climate change.
Part 2 sets a framework strategy on climate change, which is meant to guide the Government in the planning and budgeting for financing and monitoring of climate change programs and activities. Part 3 is dedicated to the climate change mechanism and sets the conditions under which a project proponent may participate in it. Part 4 of the Act provides for the regulation of the criteria for the measuring of the emissions; for the periodical reporting on the information on mitigation, vulnerabilities and adaptation to the impacts of climate change, on the climate change financing flows and on the expenditures, on emissions and removals of targeted greenhouse gases; and for the verification of information by registered verifiers. Part 5 is about the institutional arrangements.
Part 6 covers the financing of climate change related activities (research, data collection, implementation of actions and measures, providing grants, loans and incentives) by the Minister responsible for finance. Part 7 concerns miscellaneous issues, from the duties of private entities and individuals with regard to climate change to confidentiality issues.