The Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Climate Change Adaptation Program for the period from 2023 to 2030. The Action Plan for the implementation of the program is also an integral part, covering the period from 2024 to 2026. Climate change, which is occurring at least ten times faster than ever before in the history of the planet Earth, has increased damages and losses, threatened people's lives, and disrupted the functionality natural systems, both globally and in the Republic of Serbia.
Estimates show that the Republic of Serbia is warming more intensively and faster than the global average. While the observed increase in the global average temperature is 1.1°C, Serbia is already at 1.8°C, and in the summer, it is as much as 2.6°C. At the same time, since 2000, the Republic of Serbia has faced several significant extreme climate and weather events that have caused significant material and financial losses, as well as the loss of human lives. The total minimum material damages caused by extreme climatic and weather events in the 2000-2020 period amount to EUR 6.8 billion . More than 70% of the damages were caused by droughts and high temperatures due to climate change and extreme weather events. Another major cause of significant losses was flooding. Therefore, the adoption and implementation of the 2023-2030 Climate Change Adaptation Programme is of general interest for the Republic of Serbia.