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The recovery needs assessment for the social and economic impacts of COVID-19 in the Dominican Republic

November 2021

This evaluation was carried out by a technical team integrated by the Government of the Dominican Republic, the World Bank, the European Union, and the Inter- American Development Bank, with technical assistance from the United Nations Development Program. The fundamental purpose is to have reliable and timely information to guide the formulation of short and long- term recovery strategies, framed in national and local development plans, the multi-year programming of the public sector and the National Development Strategy (END, for its acronym in Spanish).

The evaluation was carried out according to the CRNA methodology in nine key sectors for the economy in the Dominican Republic, to estimate the combined effects by sector affecting families, communities, and vulnerable groups. The analysis period is from the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, until December of the same year. The utilized information derives from official sources and it was provided by various entities such as the MEPyD, the sectoral ministries, the National Statistics Office, as well as from recent studies generated by international partners.

The developed recovery strategy provides the basic elements for the Disaster Recovery Framework (DRF) with the purpose of guiding the government and other stakeholders in the formulation of policies, adoption of an institutional framework for recovery, identification of financing mechanisms and recovery implementation.

This CRNA report is available in both English and Spanish.
