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Philippines: National disaster risk reduction and management plan 2020–2030

January 2020

The Updated National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) establishes the linkage between disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM), climate change adaptation (CCA), and human security by focusing on climate and disaster risks. It aims to achieve the shared goals of Ambisyon Natin 2040, NDRRMP, National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP), and National Security Strategy (NSS) in risk reduction, resilience building, human security, and sustainable development.

The Updated NDRRMP intends to:

  • provide strategic direction and guidance to national government agencies (NGAs), local government units (LGUs), civil society organizations (CSOs), private sector, and development partners on disaster and climate-resilience actions in the Philippines;
  • strengthen disaster and climate risk governance by clarifying the roles, accountabilities, strategies, and activities of disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) stakeholders at all levels;
  • strengthen linkages and interoperability of the DRRM thematic pillars;
  • ensure the convergence of and synergy between DRRM and CCA; and,
  • contribute to the achievement and coherence of global, regional, and national development and policy agenda.
