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Implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action - Summary of reports 2007-2013

May 2013

This report shows the relationship of specific activities to the five priorities for action of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) and the strategic objectives governing them. It reveals the overall connection of national efforts to the expectations of the HFA and makes clear the significance of the progress that has been made since 2005, as described in voluntary self-reporting from countries and regional organizations. The report: (i) highlights some catalysts that engender progress in disaster risk reduction (DRR); (ii) presents an overview provided by individual countries regarding progress toward each of the three HFA strategic goals the five HFA priorities for action; and (iii) provides updates obtained about the activities of some regional and international organizations and institutions.

It identifies 5 main drivers: (i) governments are increasingly taking a multihazard approach to DRR; (ii) gender is coming to be recognized as a decisive factor; (iii) capacity development is recognized as a central element in reducing disaster risk; (iv) the socio-economically vulnerable are the most exposed; and (v) effective disaster risk reduction requires strong community engagement. It also highlights contextual drivers, such as legal and policy frameworks, human, technical and financial resources, informed decisions, climate change adaptation, security/social equity, and a consensus that there should be a post-2015 framework for DRR.

The report is based predominantly upon the national reports submitted in the three HFA review cycles to date (2007–2009, 2009–2011, 2011–2013), by the 146 countries that have participated in at least one cycle. Statements made about their progress and challenges reflect only what they have described. Additional information is provided from regional reports submitted since 2007, as well as from the first cycle of the local HFA progress review, which ran from March 2012 to April 2013. The report is intended to be a distillation of the HFA review’s most significant findings rather than a reference text.
