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Identifying the experiences and needs of LGBTI communities before, during and after emergencies in Victoria

June 2018

The Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) commissioned this research into the experiences and needs of LGBTI communities before, during and after emergencies in Victoria, Australia, as the particular experiences and potential contribution of LGBTI communities in emergencies have not traditionally been considered by the emergency management (EM) sector. This research is a sign of EM leaders’ commitment to better understand and respond to the different needs of Victoria’s increasingly diverse population.

According to the small but growing body of research in this area, some LGBTI people are reluctant to access emergency services because of historic and ongoing discrimination and abuse experienced by them and their communities (Dominey-Howes, Gorman-Murray, McKinnon, Itaoui, & Keppel 2016; Gorman-Murray, McKinnon & Dominey-Howes, 2016). This research confirms this and raises the matter of how to ensure that all publicly funded EM services are able to meet the particular needs of different communities of identity, including LGBTI communities.

This report documents LGBTI people’s experiences of living through an emergency, their experiences of accessing a range of EM services, and the knowledge and attitudes of EM personnel in working with LGBTI people and communities. 
