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Gender inclusion and women’s empowerment at the centre of resilience

April 2017

Building Operationalising the ‘Asia Regional Plan for Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction

This note provides guidance on essential actions to be taken to ensure the integration of gender and diversity issues specifically in the proposed Two Year Action Plan (2017 – 2018) in the ‘Asia Regional Plan for implementation of the Sendai Framework’ at local, national and regional levels.

The note calls to:

  • Systematically collect and update sex, age and disability disaggregated data followed by gender and diversity analysis to fully understand the diverse capacities, vulnerabilities, exposure to disaster risk, needs and priorities of women and men in diverse groups as a basis to inform DRM policies, plans, programmes and progress monitoring at local and national levels.
  • Secure the increased and meaningful representation, participation and leadership of women and persons from all minority, marginalized and diverse groups in every aspect of disaster risk reduction.
  • National and local disaster risk reduction legislation, policies, strategies, guidelines and plans should create the foundation for effectively addressing gaps in addressing gender issues in disaster risk reduction, DRM action. 
  • Allocate gender-responsive disaster risk reduction budgets and ensure that resilience-building investments strengthen gender and social inclusion through the targeted provision of access to resources, information, skills and social protection of the most vulnerable.
  • Base disaster preparedness and response, recovery and reconstruction on build-back better principles, with adequate provision for gender and social inclusion for addressing the root causes of vulnerability to ensure equitable economic, social, health and cultural resilience of all women, girls, men and boys.