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A framework for integrating human rights and gender equality into disaster risk reduction and climate resilience

May 2022

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Paris Agreement both identify the promotion and protection of human rights, alongside the need to pay particular attention to the gender dimension of disaster risk, as guiding principles. However, neither document elaborates on the content of the two approaches nor how they should be integrated to achieve positive outcomes in practice. The brief on the Framework for Integrating Human Rights and Gender Equality (FIRE) is informed by a systematic consolidation of key international legal and operational standards and guidelines relevant to disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, and emergency preparedness for response.

The framework, consisting of six dimensions, has been piloted in initiatives relating to risk assessment, land use planning, and emergency preparedness for response under the Building Resilience through Inclusive and Climate-adaptive Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia - Pacific (BRDR) Program (2018-2022); and its utility has been proven as a tool for research, legal and policy analysis, training, and education.
