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Disaster risk reduction: a global advocacy guide

May 2012

This global guide to advocacy for disaster risk reduction (DRR) aims to strengthen the skills, knowledge and proficiency of practitioners in advocating on DRR approaches to decision-makers, donors and policy-makers. It is designed to help IFRC National Societies meet those challenges. It provides an introduction on increased disasters and increased vulnerability; (i) aims to answer 'What is disaster risk reduction?' and 'What comes next?'. Its chapters address (i) The importance of frameworks (ii) sustaining development (iii) what is advocacy (iv) public versus private (v) the role of advocacy in DRR (vi) demonstrating the benefits of DRR (vii) advocacy in the community (viii) advocacy roles of the DRR practitioner (ix) being the change (x) how to deliver effective advocacy (xi) Advocacy and legal preparedness and (xii) advocacy and cross-cutting issues such as gender, livelihoods, food security, urbanization and climate change.
