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Aide-Memoire on integrating gender equality in the UN plan of action on disaster risk reduction for resilience

May 2017

The UN Plan of action on disaster risk reduction for resilience (UNPoA) was endorsed by CEB in April 2016. To hold the UN system and related organizations (UN) accountable to its implementation, the UN DRR Focal Point Group (FPG) was tasked with the development of a Results-Based Analytical Framework (RBAF). With Results and Outputs already defined, the group is currently working on development of targets and baselines for these.

The UN system recognizes that ensuring proper attention to gender equality and the empowerment of women (GEWE) is an opportunity to improve the relevance and the effectiveness of its DRR efforts. The UNPoA and its established Results, Outputs, and related indicators refer to promotion of gender-disaggregated data, specifically in UN CCAs and national disaster loss databases, as effective means to promote GEWE. However, there is ample room to make use of the UNPoA to further strengthen the accountability of the UN to commitments and recommendations on GEWE in DRR, set out - amongst others - in the Sendai Framework for DRR (SFDRR) and Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Resolution 56/2 and 58/2 on Gender Equality and the empowerment of women in Natural Disasters.

To facilitate this process, UN Women and UNFPA have developed an Aide-Memoire to assist the DRR focal point group (FPG) and its six task teams to further mainstream GEWE in the finalization of the development of targets and baseline of the RBAF and more broadly, to guide the FPG in the development and implementation of interventions of the UNPoA in a gender-responsive manner.
