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Disaster risk reduction: a Japanese women's perspective on 3/11

August 2013

This document discusses the importance of gender sensitivity in disaster risk reduction (DRR), and relates the history and experiences of the Japan Women's Network for Disaster Risk Reduction.

The document is divided into six sections: (i) section one introduces the concept of gender-sensitive DRR and the Japan Women's Network for Disaster Risk Reduction; (ii) section two explains the process through which the network incorporated gender issues into Japan's DRR policy; (iii) section three examines emergency situations from a gender-conscious perspective; (iv) section four relates the success of the Women's Centers Network fundraising program for disaster relief after the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011; (v) section five looks at the relationship between women and disaster events historically in Japan; (vi) and section six assesses the results of a survey regarding healthcare management after the Great East Japan Earthquake.
