Ms Husna Ibrahim Abdullahi is the president of the Network of Women-led Organisations - Yobe State, and the Executive Director of Women and Youth Empowerment Initiative (WOYEIN). Members of the Network intervene in territories impacted by Boko Haram exactions and climate-related disasters such as floodings.
"Our network is coordinating and strengthening collaboration among member organisations and partners; also ensuring the inclusion of women and girls in programs and projects that have a direct bearing on them. The network is also in the front line of ensuring resource mobilization, as women are really considered during the funding of resilience program planning."
Networking with other women organisations and partners at the regional level on women participation, inclusion, and leadership, and then mentoring them, mentoring our younger women organisations, is key.
"There is this lack of participation of women in decision making, lack of inclusion of women in the planning stage of programs, and then there are these cultural and religious barriers where our women culturally are expected to serve from the background and be very submissive to their husbands or the male folk in the communities."