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Side event

Inclusive and impactful: practical lessons in coherent implementation of EW4All, Anticipatory Action and the Sendai Gender Action Plan

The session aims to raise awareness about the interconnections among key initiatives supporting gender and disability inclusion in DRR. This session will explore practical lessons and inspiring stories that demonstrate how inclusive and coherent implementation of EW4ALL, Anticipatory Action, and the Sendai GAP can lead to more resilient and equitable disaster risk management, ensuring no one is left behind. By sharing practical examples, lessons learned, and inspirational stories of leadership, the session seeks to inspire greater collaboration and action towards building more resilient and inclusive communities.

1. Session Chair: Mr. Talal Waheed, Global Disability Inclusive DRR Advisor, CBM; member of Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Network (DiDRRN). 
2. Panellist 1: Ms. Chrysant Lily Kusumowardoyo. Country Director, Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) Indonesia and the Philippines; founding member of Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Network (DiDRRN); member of Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR).
3. Panellist 2: Ms. Ruiti Uriano Aretaake. National Programme Coordinator Mainstreaming of Rural Development and Innovation Programme, Foundation for the Peoples of the South Pacific, Kiribati, member of Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR).
4. Panellist 3: Ms. Reena Chaudhary, Gender and Disability Focal Person at the Nepal National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority.
5. Panelist 4: Ms. Maria Holtsberg, Deputy Regional Director OIC, and DRR and Humanitarian Advisor at the UN Women Regional Office of Asia and the Pacific.

Learn more

Gender and disability inclusion are fundamental pillars of DRR efforts. Recognising the unique vulnerabilities and capacities of women, girls, boys, men and diverse genders with disabilities is crucial for building resilient communities and ensuring that no one is left behind in the face of disasters.

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 emphasises the importance of inclusivity and gender equality in disaster risk reduction and resilience-building efforts. It calls for a holistic approach that integrates gender perspectives and ensures the participation of persons with disabilities in all stages of disaster risk management.

Building upon the Sendai Framework, the Sendai Gender Action Plan (GAP) provides a roadmap for enhancing the integration of gender considerations into DRR policies, programs, and practices. The GAP recognises the need to address the specific needs and capacities of women and girls in disaster risk reduction, including their roles as leaders, decision-makers, and agents of change.

In parallel, initiatives such as Early Warning for All (EW4ALL) and Anticipatory Action have emerged as critical components of proactive disaster risk management strategies. EW4ALL seeks to ensure that early warning systems are accessible and inclusive, reaching all members of society, including women and persons with disabilities, regardless of their location and socio-economic status. Anticipatory Action complements this by enabling timely and targeted interventions based on forecasted risks, thereby reducing the impact of disasters on at-risk populations.

Despite the progress made in integrating gender and disability perspectives into DRR efforts, challenges persist in translating policy commitments into tangible actions on the ground. The findings of the UNDRR 2023 Global Survey of Disability and Disaster revealed significant gaps in the accessibility and inclusivity of disaster risk management systems, with persons with disabilities often excluded from decision-making processes. Moreover, the survey highlighted the resilience and resourcefulness of persons with disabilities in responding to disasters, underscoring the need to harness their expertise and experiences in shaping more effective and inclusive DRR policies and practices. Integrating the insights from the UNDRR survey into our discussion reinforces the urgency of addressing the intersecting challenges of gender and disability inclusion in disaster risk reduction. Further, it also emphasises the importance of a stronger understanding of the interconnections among key initiatives, such as EW4ALL, Anticipatory Action, and the Sendai GAP for coherent and impactful implementation.

Finally, showcasing practical examples and lessons from initiatives led by women and persons with disabilities is essential for facilitating replication and scaling up successful approaches in similar contexts. These examples not only demonstrate the effectiveness of gender and disability-inclusive DRR strategies but also highlight the leadership and resilience of marginalised groups in driving positive change.

In this context, the upcoming session aims to raise awareness about the interconnection among key initiatives to support gender and disability inclusion in DRR. By sharing practical examples, lessons learned, and inspirational stories of leadership, the session seeks to inspire greater collaboration and action towards building more resilient and inclusive communities.


Meeting Room 2 & 3
Philippine International Convention Center

Organized by

Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Network Gender Stakeholder group CSO Stakeholder group/ Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) UN Women Asia and the Pacific

Asia Pacific