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News 16 October 2012

Women unsung heroines in rebuilding after disaster

News 16 October 2012

Ghana: International Day for Disaster Reduction marked in Upper East

News 15 October 2012

Philippines: Legarda stresses women's role as effective agents of change

News 15 October 2012

Ethiopia: Ministry holds 6th national conference on disaster risk management - highlights women and girls

News 14 October 2012

Djibouti: Lutte contre les risques et les catastrophes - La dimension genre

News 14 October 2012

Djibouti: Gestion des risques et des catastrophes - Les femmes et les filles, une force méconnue de la résilience

News 11 October 2012

Australian Government: Role of women critical in disaster resilience

News 11 October 2012

Antigua and Barbuda: IDDR Day 2012

News 11 October 2012

Put it on the map: Women and girls a VISIBLE force for resilience

News 11 October 2012

Ghana: International Day For Disaster Reduction

News 10 October 2012

Integrating sexual and reproductive health into health emergency and disaster risk management policy brief launch

News 10 October 2012

Fiji: Disaster management week celebrations in Levuka

News 10 October 2012

Vanuatu named number 1 for disaster risk

News 9 October 2012

Ghana and US researchers tackle disaster risk reduction efforts

News 9 October 2012

Philippines: Women no longer mere victims of disasters, but agents of change - Legarda

News 8 October 2012

Nepal to mark Disaster Reduction Day

News 8 October 2012

Botswana: Shakawe hosts disaster reduction day

News 8 October 2012

Myanmar: Women stand tall for disaster risk reduction
