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Displaying 271 - 288 of 521

News 6 July 2017

Why women? Why now?

News 2 July 2017

With a touch of paint, India's women slum dwellers battle extreme heat

News 25 May 2017

UN, Red Cross/Red Crescent join forces to reduce disaster deaths for women and girls

News 24 May 2017

INTERVIEW-'Gender blind' disaster risk planning undermines countries' ability to cope - UN Women

News 23 May 2017

UN Women launches new programme to address the gender inequality of risk at international conference on disaster risk reduction

News 18 May 2017

Disaster-proofing Cambodia: new phase of disaster resilience work gets underway

News 18 May 2017

Editorial spotlight: what does gender have to do with reducing and addressing disaster risk?

News 18 May 2017

In Viet Nam, women are leading disaster prevention and response

News 8 May 2017

Gender equality can save women’s lives in disasters

News 30 April 2017

Clarifying misconceptions on gender and risk

News 1 April 2017

Disasters: what’s gender got to do with it?

News 30 March 2017

Climate change and gender – Are we risking perverse gender outcomes?

News 19 March 2017

In the thick of it: Women’s role in disaster risk reduction

News 8 March 2017

For a more resilient world, promote women's leadership - expert

News 7 March 2017

Haiti and why we need more women managing disaster risk

News 6 March 2017

Men and women farmers in Benin are responding differently to climate change

News 9 February 2017

Flood early warning systems leave women vulnerable

News 17 January 2017

Placing Pacific women at the forefront of disaster planning and response
