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Displaying 91 - 108 of 187

News 15 February 2020

Desastres ambientales profundizan la brecha de género

News 30 January 2020

Enhancing gender-responsive disaster risk management: why a change of mindset is the first step

Case studies 13 December 2019

The gender and age dimensions of a hurricane in Dominica

Gender and age inequality of disaster risk

Case studies 12 December 2019

The gender and age dimensions of floods and drought in Malawi

Understanding the gender and age inequalities of risk

Case studies 11 December 2019

The aftermath of an earthquake in Nepal

Understanding the gender inequalities of risk

News 9 December 2019

Children risk early marriage: climate change one of the factors

News 4 December 2019

Climate crisis could reverse progress in achieving gender equality

News 25 November 2019

Study examines women’s ability to adapt effectively to climate change

News 19 September 2019

When natural disaster strikes, men and women respond differently

News 30 June 2019

Women may be more vulnerable to climate change but data absent

News 19 June 2019

How climate change exacerbates the refugee crisis – and what can be done about it

News 23 May 2019

Disasters happen to real people – and it's complicated

News 13 May 2019

Gender and climate (in)security in the Pacific

News 7 May 2019

Inclusive resilience: Are we building resilience for all?

News 16 April 2019

Data drives dividends

News 16 April 2019

Disaster risk reduction: Avoiding the inevitable

News 7 March 2019

InsuResilience in conversation with: Janot Mendler de Suarez

News 6 March 2019

The gender gap in the disaster risk management sector: Why it matters
