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Displaying 91 - 108 of 158

News 19 March 2017

In the thick of it: Women’s role in disaster risk reduction

News 9 February 2017

Flood early warning systems leave women vulnerable

News 6 November 2016

Asia Regional DRR Plan places women, girls and young people at the centre

News 20 September 2016

Enhancing disaster risk reduction through gender, science and new partnerships

News 22 August 2016

Reproductive health, dignity kits important aspect of disaster preparedness

News 21 July 2016

Professor Mahbuba Nasreen wins Gender and Disaster Award

News 21 April 2016

"Nepal one year on, most vulnerable people risk exclusion from earthquake recovery"

News 28 January 2016

ADPC: Linking gender, humanitarian action and disaster risk reduction in Bangladesh

News 13 January 2016

In Asia, supporting women farmers crucial to fighting poverty, hunger and climate change

News 29 September 2015

Viet Nam: Conference to review five years implementation of the national community based disaster risk management and community awareness raising project

News 16 September 2015

Women in Bangladesh build resilience against climate change

News 12 July 2015

World Population Day 2015 more than ever relevant to quake-hit Nepal

News 19 April 2015

Women take on floods and hunger in rural Pakistan

News 24 March 2015

APEC: Women lead way in disaster risk reduction in vulnerable Asia-Pacific - Press release

Women entrepreneurs, civil society groups and disaster management and gender equality officials assembled in Sendai

News 18 March 2015

Philippines delegation to third WCDRR welcomes Japan $4B fund for DRR

News 14 March 2015

Daily report of the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR)

News 9 March 2015

UNDP Laos: Managing disaster risk in Xiengkhouang

News 23 February 2015

Pakistan: Women turn drought into a lesson on sustainability
