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Displaying 55 - 72 of 115

News 27 April 2020

How do we keep family violence perpetrators ‘in view’ during the COVID-19 lockdown?

News 23 April 2020

Mums with an intellectual disability already risk family violence and losing their kids

News 14 April 2020

What governments can do about the increase in family violence due to coronavirus

News 24 March 2020

Women’s leadership helping rural and remote communities access early warning and disaster information

News 17 December 2019

Can laws tackling gender inequality help to enhance disaster resilience in the Philippines?

News 17 November 2019

Australia: Domestic violence will spike in the bushfire aftermath, and governments can no longer ignore it

News 22 May 2019

Philippines: Early action helps women in farming communities vulnerable to drought

News 13 May 2019

Gender and climate (in)security in the Pacific

News 30 January 2019

Fiji’s unheralded frontline disaster responders: women

News 28 January 2019

Philippines: A climate-smart investment for female farmers

News 11 October 2018

Launch of diversity and disaster monograph No. 3 from the Australian Journal of Emergency and the Gender and Disaster Pod

News 23 August 2018

Women at the helm of cyclone recovery efforts in Tonga

News 17 July 2018

Republic of Marshall Islands strengthens food security measures ahead of future droughts

News 11 May 2018

Calling for a gender approach to 'smart' and 'resilient' cities

News 29 April 2018

With warning drums and river clean-ups, Indonesian women head off disasters

Women often suffer worst when floods or earthquakes hit - but given the right resources, they are well-placed to protect their communities

News 3 April 2018

Risk and warning communication that supports women during disasters

News 22 November 2017

Philippines: All-weather, PWD-friendly evacuation center to rise in Capiz

News 12 November 2017

Tonga demonstrates its efforts for the centrality of gender and protection in climate action
