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Displaying 91 - 108 of 138

News 20 August 2015

Philippines: Tapping women and youth in disaster management

News 30 July 2015

In Tajikistan, migrant wives lead preparedness and response

News 22 July 2015

Bangladesh: Empowering women against natural disasters - WFP

News 1 July 2015

Zimbabwe: Women must be part of the climate change debate

News 24 March 2015

APEC: Women lead way in disaster risk reduction in vulnerable Asia-Pacific - Press release

Women entrepreneurs, civil society groups and disaster management and gender equality officials assembled in Sendai

News 13 March 2015

Sendai: Critical role of women in building disaster resilience focus of event at UN conference

News 23 February 2015

Pakistan: Women turn drought into a lesson on sustainability

News 16 February 2015

Mobilising women's leadership in disaster risk reduction

News 5 November 2014

Amplifying women’s voices in climate change solutions focus of UN conference

News 6 August 2014

'Don't forget men,' first women and climate summit advised

News 15 June 2014

Putting women at the forefront of climate change and disaster response in the Pacific

News 2 January 2014

Jamaica: Climate change and gender movement gains momentum

News 10 October 2013

What should a new disaster risk reduction deal focus on?

News 14 July 2013

Adaptation decision-making shifts to locals in Kenya

News 10 June 2013

Kenyan MPs to champion rural women’s influence on climate policy

News 15 May 2013

India nurtures youth advocates for climate action

News 28 April 2013

Stakeholders in disaster risk reduction stress need for community involvement, resilience, addressing root causes

News 28 April 2013

Local communities plead for greater involvement in disaster risk reduction
