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UN Women’s Feminist Plan for Sustainability and Social Justice

The Plan provides a visionary but practical roadmap for putting gender equality, social justice, and sustainability at the centre of the recovery.

The Geneva launch of UN Women’s Feminist Plan for Sustainability and Social Justice, was held on Wednesday, the 15th of December from 8:00-9:30am EST/2:00-3:30pm CET.

As the world learns to live with COVID-19, to emerge from the crisis and to “build back better”, UN Women’s new Feminist Plan provides a visionary but practical roadmap for putting gender equality, social justice, and sustainability at the centre of the recovery and transformation. This discussion was an opportunity to engage with experts on livelihoods, care, and the environment on the ambitious and transformative policies, context-specific pathways and strategic financing that are needed to build a gender-just and sustainable future.

In conversation with:

  • Laura Turquet, Report Lead and Policy Advisor, UN Women  
  • Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights  
  • Noelene Nabulivou, Executive Director, DIVA for Equality; Convenor, Women Defend the Commons Network; Pacific Feminist Activist
  • Shahra Razavi, Director, ILO Social Protection Department 

And moderated by Adriana Quiñones, Director a.i., Geneva Liaison Office, UN Women

To find out more about the Feminist Plan, please go to: https://www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/publications/2021/09/feminist-plan-for-sustainability-and-skocial-justice.

