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Side event

Older women in crises: invisible among the most vulnerable

This event aims to explore the experiences of older women in emergencies, be due to climate change or conflict.

This event takes place on the margins of the 2022 High-Level Political Forum, held under the auspices of ECOSOC. The theme of the HLPF in 2022 is Building back better from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. As Member States discuss sustainable and
resilient measures to building an inclusive and effective path for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, this side event will specifically address SDG 5 on Gender Equality.

In this context, this event aims to explore the experiences of older women in emergencies, be due to climate change or conflict, which are often overlooked by humanitarian actors, with negative consequences for the wellbeing of older women, their families and their communities.

Evidence has shown that in situations of forced displacement, for example, older women face increased risks to elder abuse and abandonment due to the lack of traditional support systems and structures. Older women also face a particular risk of vulnerability to climate impacts, experiencing disproportionate health risks, and have higher rates of mortality from extreme heat events. Furthermore, as a result of higher levels of illiteracy, including digital illiteracy, cultural practices, and gendered expectations on the role they play in communities, older women may encounter additional barriers to accessing information and aid during an emergency. Bringing examples from recent crises, this event will seek to explore the multiple and intersecting forms of discriminations faced by older women in emergencies and put forward ideas on how to address such challenges and ensure that their needs are met.

Sponsored by the Stakeholder Group on Ageing (SGA) and co-sponsored by the UN Programme on Ageing (UnDESA), UN Women and the Special Procedures Office of the Independent Expert on the Rights of Older Persons, the event will consist of a moderator-driven, interactive panel discussion among high level speakers. Participants will have the opportunity to raise questions and share comments on the specific interventions made by panelists or to the theme of the event.

Opening and welcome: Erica Dhar, Co-Chair, Stakeholder Group on Ageing

Interactive panel:
Rosemary Kalapurakal, UN Development Coordination Office (Moderator)
Lefhoko Kesamang African Union (Panellist)
Claudia Mahler Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons (Panellist)
Papa Seck UN Woman (Panellist)
Galina Poliakakova Turbota pro Litnih v Ukrani (Respondent)

Final thoughts: Dorothy Estrada-Tanck Working Group on discrimination against women and girls
