This report presents a synthesis of project-level final evaluations, carried out after three years of implementation of the BRACED programme. Using evidence provided by implementing partners, this report examines the following central synthesis evaluation question:
How, where, when and why do BRACED interventions work, and what can be learned/how can good practice be replicated?
By learning from projects about which approaches work and in what contexts, BRACED aims to influence policymaking and development planning in national and local governments and regional and international initiatives. Addressing various forms of social inequality and exclusion is an implicit focus within the BRACED theory of change. Inclusion is a development outcome that both supports, and is supported by, resilience. The majority of projects have at least some focus on ensuring equitable benefits and ensuring that they reach vulnerable groups, but a smaller number have specific goals related to tackling the root causes of exclusion. The strongest evidence of change is centred around gender and women’s empowerment.