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The post hyogo framework: what’s next for disaster risk reduction?

January 2013

This document outline's Oxfam's core recommendations for HFA2, the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction (DRR) and successor to the Hyogo Framework for Action. As a core principle, it asserts that the HFA2 should enshrine equity and accountability as the primary drivers of DRR to provide an unambiguous direction for the negotiation of the agreement and its subsequent implementation at local, national, regional and international levels.

It calls for a new measurable target based on outcome. It calls upon states for new commitments to: implement HFA standard compliant national loss databases; complete nationwide gender-differentiated, participatory risk assessment at local level; support DRR at the local level; seek and facilitate genuine participation and leadership of local communities; integrate DRR across sectoral development plans at national, district and local levels. It further calls for strengthened accountability; increased funding - including public-private partnerships.
