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Guidance note on recovery: gender

November 2010

This publication is an initial step in documenting, collecting and sharing disaster recovery experiences and lessons, which also integrate disaster reduction initiatives aimed at reducing the womens' vulnerability. It draws from documented experiences, of past and present recovery efforts, collected through a desk review and consultations with relevant experts. These experiences and lessons learned are presented in the form of case studies and classified into four major issues: (i) mainstreaming gender in disaster recovery institutions and organizations; (ii) identifying gender-specific recovery needs; (iii) engaging women in recovery initiatives; and (iv) facilitating a gender-balanced economic recovery.

The document provides an analysis of many of the case studies, highlighting key lessons and noting points of caution and clarification. The experiences collected in this document are intended for use by policy-makers, planners, and implementers of local, regional and national government bodies interested or engaged in facilitating a more responsive, sustainable, and risk-reducing recovery process and also aim to benefit the many other partners working together to build back better.
