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Gender and disasters - Volumes 1 & 2

October 2021
Risk Gender data

The guides contain annotated bibliographies of journal articles, reports, case studies, toolkits, blogs and books, and provide essential readers to not only readers who may be new to the study area, but also to students, academics, practitioners, decision-makers, and policy writers.

Through taking stock of the existing literature, both guides aim to facilitate the sharing of knowledge on the importance and the lessons learned of integrating gender studies in disaster risk reduction to support sustainable development. Where possible, the list was populated with references that could also be useful to an audience of practitioners, to support the transition from theory and conceptualizations to implementation of gender-responsive practice with examples from different contexts. Where relevant, they point readers to complementary bibliographies and compilations of resources, notably those from the Gender and Disaster Network, and the Bibliography series from the Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights.

Following on from Volume 1, Volume 1 – 2nd Edition provides additional references across the themes and includes three new themes: Gender and Wildfire, Gender and Extreme Temperatures, Gender and Climate Change.

Volume 2 takes a closer look at the gender, disaster, and conflict nexus, and includes themes such as gender, peacebuilding and security; gender-based violence and disaster; and gender, conflict and extremism. Volume 2 also addresses gender, health and wellbeing and includes some of the most current publications on the COVID-19 pandemic.
