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Gender and climate change cutting edge pack

February 2012

Supporting resources collection

This collection - part of the BRIDGE Cutting Edge Pack on Gender and Climate Change - showcases existing work on gender and climate change. It presents summaries of a mix of conceptual and research papers, policy briefings, advocacy documents, case study material and practical tools from diverse regions. Examining why a focus on gender and climate change is important, the resources look at the human and gender impacts of climate change, the global and national responses to climate change and locally relevant gender aware responses to climate change.

They seek to address a wide range of questions including:
- How do gender inequalities affect the ways that women and men are affected by climate change and constrain the choices women?
- How can we ensure human rights are at the centre of climate change responses?
- How can we ensure women play an equal role in decision-making around climate change?

The collection also provides information on international frameworks and conventions relating to climate change, and as well as mitigation mechanisms and key climate funds. Finally, this collection contains a 'networking and contacts’ section, which gives details of the organisations featured in the Cutting Edge Pack.
