Baguio City gender and inclusion study: findings and solutions to inform the Baguio City smart flood early warning system
July 2021
The Baguio City Gender and Inclusion Study Report is the first deliverable in the project “PHI: Gender Transformative Approach for Strengthened Development, Application, and Replication of the Baguio City Smart Flood Early Warning”. The project involves a collaboration between Ramboll and Practical Action Consulting.
The study brings together a suite of analysis and data collection techniques to deliver a holistic understanding of the connections between flood risk, and gender, marginalization, and inequality within Baguio. The study draws on secondary sources of data through a global and national literature review on areas of inequality and on the influence of gender and inequality on disaster risk. This secondary data is complemented by three types of quantitative and qualitative primary data, including a community survey, key informant interviews, and Missing Voices interviews.