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Assessing progress: integrating gender in adaptation fund projects and programmes

April 2020

The study aims to provide an overview of lessons on mainstreaming gender in select projects funded by the Adaptation Fund of value to those working in this field. It is up to the reader to decide what lessons apply in their context specific situation. The report captures knowledge to support accelerating learning on effective women’s empowerment and gender-responsive adaptation strategies and measures throughout a project’s lifecycle.

The study builds on the foundational work of the Adaptation Fund to facilitate gender mainstreaming in policy and planning, supporting implementing entities in their efforts to enhance gender in practice, and learning from projects. Lessons learned presented in this study resulting from a select number of projects will allow implementing entities, government officials, private sector, civil society groups, and other stakeholders as well as the public to enhance project level learning and facilitate increased action and impact through implementation of women’s empowerment and gender inclusive practices. 
