Disasters propagate gender-differentiated effects. Women and girls are disproportionally impacted owing to existing inequalities in access to endowments, economic opportunities, and agency. The objective of this desk review is threefold. First, present current data on key gender gaps in relation to disaster risk management (DRM) in Antigua and Barbuda and compare its performance against regional and structural peers. Second, present gender-differentiated effects of previous disasters in Antigua and Barbuda based on existing evidence. And finally, use evidence on gaps and differentiated effects of disasters to help task teams identify gender-responsive activities and indicators for the gender tag, a tool to systematically track the implementation of the WBG gender strategy and measure the quality and results of World Bank operations.
This note presents examples of result chains for project teams working on DRM-related operations to obtain the gender tag, focusing on exposure and vulnerability, preparedness, and coping capacity. Details about key policy documents on gender equality and gender-based violence (GBV), gender gaps in DRM national level policies and laws in Antigua and Barbuda, and recommendations for policy makers to address gender gaps, which go beyond the gender tag requirements for World Bank project teams, are presented in the annexes.