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Taking care of our mountains

January 2021

This report contributes to the wealth of information and conversations around mountains by highlighting CARE programs that address the social and environmental threats to highland ecosystems, underscoring the disproportionate impacts of these threats on women and other marginalized groups, and drawing from their experiences to outline best practices for integrated, equitable, and community-centred approaches to mountain conservation.

The paper outlines some of CARE's initiatives to protect mountains to highlight the importance of mountain ecosystems and uplift the voices of women, girls, and other marginalized groups that suffer disproportionately from their destruction. This report highlights inclusive and innovative solutions for mountain conservation by showcasing case studies from Peru, Nepal and Ecuador.

The report concludes with three best practices:

  • Centring gender justice, equity, and community;

  • Using a landscape approach for mountain conservation and basin management;

  • Strengthening governance systems.
