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New Zealand: Adapt and thrive: Building a climate-resilient New Zealand

August 2022

This document sets out Aotearoa New Zealand’s long-term strategy and first national adaptation plan. The long-term strategy sets out the Government’s approach to adaptation. This first national adaptation plan, and subsequent plans, will be prepared and implemented in accordance with this strategy. The plan contains Government-led strategies, policies and proposals that will help New Zealanders adapt to the changing climate and its effects – so the potential harm of climate change can be reduced, as well as seize the opportunities that arise. It responds to the risks identified in the National Climate Change Risk Assessment 2020, which was prepared under the Climate Change Response Act 2002. It also draws upon the latest science from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and builds on recommendations of the Climate Change Adaptation Technical Working Group from 2018.

This plan involves many agencies, departments and ministries. Making it work requires new ways of coordinating effort across government, as well as with Tiriti partners and with local government, the business community and civil society. Successful implementation will involve central government oversight and coordination, indicators for assessing progress, and a research strategy to fill knowledge gaps. A climate change interdepartmental executive board will oversee the emissions reduction plan and national adaptation plan, and report on progress. The Climate Change Response Ministers Group, chaired by the Prime Minister, will oversee the plan and drive progress. Every two years, He Pou a Rangi – Climate Change Commission will report to the Minister of Climate Change on the implementation and effectiveness of the national adaptation plan.
