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Maldives: National community-based disaster risk reduction framework

November 2014

The National Disaster Management Center (NDMC) has developed in leaps and bounds in the recent couple of years. What started as a center for tsunami recovery coordination and relief management has now become the central national institution at the helm of disaster preparedness and risk reduction in the country.

National Disaster Management Center has been working on several fronts in order to improve its mandate, scope of work, community penetration, technical capacity and available resources in order to make the Maldives a disaster resilient country. The Center has been working hard to develop activities at policy level to make disaster management a priority in national development planning.

To achieve such a potentially critical goal for the sustainable development of the country, it is vital that everyone concerned works within a well-planned framework to implement a strategy that is based in reality and efficiency. This Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Framework is putting that idea to paper. It outlines the standard process that will be followed across the country in order to achieve effective, efficient and sustainable programmes at the community level that would reduce local vulnerabilities and empower the communities to take responsibility for their own wellbeing.
